What N.A.P.H Is

A Brief Overlook at N.A.P.H. (National Association of the Physically Handicapped)
NAPH is an organization of physically challenged and non-challenged adults trying to bring about awareness of the needs of the physically challenged community.  The information below will explain the goals and purpose of the NAPH Organization.

To give you a brief look at the NAPH Organization – NAPH is an organization trying to make the public aware of the needs of the physically challenged, and supports Legislation to benefit the physically challenged community in areas such as employment, housing, transportation, a barrier free society, etc. The Purpose of NAPH is to “Advance the Social, Economic and Physical Welfare of the physically challenged community in the United States of America”. To be eligible for membership, persons need to be adult citizens of the U.S. and over 18 years of age. Persons joining under the age of 18 are known as “Junior Members”, and have no voting rights. Membership consists of belonging to a Chapter or joining as a member-at-large (MAL). 60% of the governing body must be physically challenged. Membership MUST be individual, no group or organizations.

A Membership-At-Large is primarily for persons interested in joining NAPH, in locations where no chapters are in existence at this time. Membership Dues are $10.00 per year. A MAL is entitled to receive all NAPH mailings sent to the membership, NAPH NATIONAL NEWSLETTER ( NNN ), Calls to meetings and conventions, and any mailing concerning betterment of the physically challenged community. Each summer NAPH holds a National Convention, hosted by chapters in their community. If interested in more information regarding the next convention, check out our web page, NAPH.NET.

NAPH is supported mainly by Membership Dues and Donations, and is operated by its members and Officers. It was founded in 1958, incorporated in the State of Michigan. The largest percentage of chapters are located in Michigan. We have chapters in California and Ohio, and Members-at-large all over the U.S. as well. Our Membership & Organizational committee is working on promotions to form more new chapters in other locations. NAPH is always anxious to start new chapters. Membership is open to any person, physically challenged or not, who is interested in the advancement of the physically challenged community. NAPH is the only National Organization with membership open to all types disabilities, invisible as well as visible challenges, including blind and deaf.

NAPH is a non-profit, working organization. It is a voluntary, independent, self-help action group. The activities range from social, to legislation (as mentioned above), to encouraging conditions for employment of the physically challenged. Other committees include Membership, Transportation, Housing, Awards, Ways and Means, etc. One of our biggest projects has been called Barrier free design, then rolled into promoting the A.D.A. (Americans with Disabilities Act), and now promoting Visitability.
NAPH publishes a Newsletter, THE NNN, three times per year.

Helen Lee Roudebush
Administrative Assistant, NAPH, Inc."